Our School is a No Good, Idea Stealing, Cheating, Hate-To-Lose, Blardy Bastard.

On: Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 26 of entry, rain.

Though this is no longer a matter I'm supposed to get mad of, but still I must let you comic fans know. The Art Jam was supposed to be our club's idea and the idea was taken by our school and made it their own yet added seasoning in it. They thought they did a bloody great job, but obviously the idea of THEIR Art Jam is wrong and bloody ridiculous.

Look at this to see what they did: <THE Stupid (Beautified) Art Jam >

And here's the bloody proof:

You know what? The school chose my dear club's prezs for the 30 best-art students to draw [or "colour", as they said] and they're darn pissed.

1 comments on "Our School is a No Good, Idea Stealing, Cheating, Hate-To-Lose, Blardy Bastard."

DokiDoki said...

haha,,,bloody stupid n pointles