My Kind of Boy

On: Thursday, August 27, 2009

Now, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy and paste this into your blog, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag some of your friends to answer this.
if you're a guy- post this as my kind of girl...
if you're a girl- post it as my kind of boy...

1. Do you need him/her be good looking?
I don't really care, as long as he has my taste.
2. Smart?
No, I'M smart.
3. Preferred age?
Not a little boy and not a scary old man. Near my age of course.
4. Preferred height?
Don't care.
5. How about sense of humor?
Yea, but not until stabbing someone straight into the chest.
6. How about piercings?
7. Accepts you for who you are?
Oh yes.
8. Pink hair?
9. Mushy or no?
No, even though I don't know what that means.
10. Thin or fat?
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Between brown & white.
12. Long hair or short hair?
13. Plastic or metal? * cute or pretty ?
Both, according to my taste.
14. Smells good?
Is this friggin important?
15. Smoker?
I'll shove his head from wall to wall.
16. Drinker?
I'll roll him in a carpet and hang him 30 floors high.
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
I don't mind.
18. Muscular?(Boys) Feminine?(Girls)
19. Plays piano?
As long as I am the better player.
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
21. Plays violin?
I'm gonna learn it.
22. Sings very good?
Perfect pitch? As long as he doesn't sing chinese songs cuz they suck.
23. Vain?
24. With glasses??
Don't really care.
25. With braces?
NO, cuz it's kinda gross.
26. Shy type?
Why so?
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb? * hot or sexy ?
Depends on my taste.
30. Singer or dancer?
31. Stunner?
Who cares?
32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings?
Depends on which side *grin*, but no.
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
35. Dimples?
Don't care.
36. Bookworm?
Don't care.
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
NO, it's annoying.
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
40. Poem writer?
Whatever but not Shakespear type.
41. Serious?
42. Campus crush?
Don't have it, really.
43. Painter?
I prefer the drawing part but don't draw crap.
44. Religious?
Not too religious.
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Depends whether that person deserves it or not.
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak
47. Speaks 20 languages?
Not important.
48. Loyal or faithful?
Both cuz they're the same.
49. good kisser?
Is this really nesseccary?
50. emotional or cool ?

Whoever looks into this post are tagged, that means you.


Day 24 of entry, hot in the afternoon and freezing in the evening.

- 早上看镜子,发现一条白头发从后头弹出来,翘着不动,很难把它梳下来。
- 去茨厂街,下了巴士,过着马路,差点给一堆摩托车撞过去,我忘记去注意交通灯。
- 美术店老板娘给我特别折扣,买了白色底“魔术纸”只给8块钱[本来10块],开心地跟老板叔叔谈天。
- 去药材店过时间,给人家看作品,老爸把作品show给老顾客看,讲:“老妈子[我奶奶]最疼她的了”。
- 12.30,出发去和朋友meet。
- 吃午餐,午餐是东炎汤和饭。
- Meeting中,讲话,画画。
- 我的画画生锈了。
- 脑不懂在想什么东西,讲话又随便又矛盾。
- 什么东西都画不到出来。
- 4点,一个先走了。
- 画画中打了一个喷嚏。
- 5点多,一个又走了。
- 要用电话开歌,发现电话不见了。
- 找来找出,用朋友的电话打给自己的电话。
- 听不到铃声,朋友看到铅笔袋里面有东西在发光,电话就在铅笔袋里面。
- 从电话开英文歌,没人在听,关掉了。
- 下雨,跟家人说迟点回。
- 又再次乱乱讲话。
- 6点,走之前大力抓朋友的头压到死死。
- 赶到火车站,火车挤满人,要放弃这一轮,等下一轮火车。
- 下一轮来了,也是挤满人,要进的时候前面的人一直挤出来后面的一直推。
- 门快关掉了,来不及进去了,不想迟到让家人等就,什么就没想冲了进去。
- 门关掉了,左手被门卡住了,拉不出来,手袋也卡住在外面[人残到...]。
- 外面人好心把手袋推进去,里面人把我人拉进来[感谢您们...]。
- 门还好夹到手表不是手,不然左手没得要了。
- 门突然间又开了,救了我一命。
- 手表的带脱出来了[被门夹到.]。
- 到了下一个火车站,发现刚才那件事很像电脑游戏中的一种画面。
- 家人打电话来,说才刚刚出门,害我白赶一场。
- 买了一个糕点,坐下来吃,一边等家人。
- 把朋友刚才meeting时画了给我的图画出来,照着图画画[我画法生锈到...]。
- 有很多人从火车走下来,经过就望下我画画。
- 一个马来uncle讲:"Ah moi, awak lukis cantik tau!"
- 马来uncle过来看我画,跟他谈天,给他看其他图画,一个马来大哥又好奇过来看。
- 跟他们谈天。
- 马来uncle和大哥说得空帮他们做画像[我生锈到很残哪,怎样画?]。
- 家人来了,回家。


Things to do after SPM

On: Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 23 of entry, HOT.

1. Learn to drive
2. Grab a go on the violin
3. Master Bach's Prelude and Fugue
4. Make countless videos on playing the piano and post them on Youtube
5. Redo Prince of Glory
6. Get a freelance job
7. Ride my bicycle everyday
8. Make a full packet of raspberry flavoured crystal jelly and eat it all by myself
9. Get drunk the first thing I get home
10. Movie Mania at my house [call me for bookings!]
11. Get a professional camera
12. Have a TWO night stand non-stop gaming and movie watching
13. Get my costume done
14. Plan a BL comic
15. Make comic "Rush!!!"
16. Get a freelance job at "Comic King" magazine
17. Learn Kung Fu?
18. Get a hat
19. Go on a vacation [Cameron Highlands?]
20. Get more hats
21. Get indulge in Classical and Jazz music
22. Sleep at 3am and wake at 2pm
23. Cure my insomnia
23. Get rid of my books during secondary school FAST [burn them I shall.]
24. Give my workplace a TOTAL makeover
25. Turn my workplace into a mini 'studio'
26. Turn my room into a studio
27. Get a grand piano [future plan?]

I have so much to tell, about my birthday, about what had happened for the past few months, can't type them now, maybe on the next entry I guess... I need to get myself more into music. What my teacher said, I got the right skills, the right key, the right fingering, the right rhythm, everything, but not the phrasing, that is, the tones, the expression I lack, there's music when I played it out but there's no music in me. What I must have is I have to play it as if I put my spirit in. I need to put in my feelings in it like falling in love with it. Hey, I love music and I have passion in it, but I don't DO feelings. I don't play music in the Romantic period and heck, has everyone seen me playing Romantic? Well, yes, I played once and I got a hard time playing it. But woah, in the end, I got a 29 out of 30 for that song Octobre by Tchaikovsky in my 7th grade exams and it's better than my Fugue. Thus, I have to build expression while playing music, even in my scales.

I'm gonna go for violin right after my 8th grade exam.